09 Feb 2015
Just launched: Cineworld Movie Planner
Ahead of what is set to be a year of unmissable film, Cineworld, the UK’s leading cinema chain, has launched its first-ever Calendar Film Planner - built by Catch! Cinema- goers can download the unmissable films of 2015 straight into their personal calendar, ensuring they never miss a film at the cinema again.
The calendar has been designed to let people know when films are released at the cinema – and serves as a reminder to let them know there is no better way than to watch a film than on the big screen at Cineworld. And with such a stellar line-up of film in place for 2015, it’s a must-have tool for this year.

Furthermore, it can be used on any smartphone, desktop and tablet device across Apple, Android and Windows – and users can synchronise the calendar to their individual iCal, Gmail, Yahoo or Outlook account calendars. Sign-up is completed in four simple steps, with users either subscribing to the calendar via a feed on the Cineworld website or through the Cineworld Facebook page.
And to ensure cinema-goers are only reminded about the films they want to see, users are given the option to select as many or as few films genres as they like. There are up to 12 genres which can be selected; Action, Family, Comedy, Sci-Fi, Thriller, Horror, Drama, Art-house, Musical, Bollywood, Documentary and Event Cinema. There is also the option to de-select certain films from ticked genres, should an individual only want to be reminded about certain titles.

When a film is released at a Cineworld cinema, users will receive a calendar alert or Facebook notification (if they have chosen the option to RSVP via Facebook) to let them know about the release along with the option to book tickets at cineworld.com.